The implant consists of a titanium body that is placed in the place of the root of the tooth, and the
upper portion, which is made after the titanium is fused to the bone. The fusing process is
generally 3 months, but this period can vary with the patient's and the bone's condition.
Sometimes, the upper part can be made without waiting for the titanium body to fuse to the bone.
Especially with the frontal teeth, there are aesthetic reasons to temporarily fill the place of the
missing teeth in the waiting period. In the aesthetic zone, there is also an option to adjust the
gum's thickness and form, which provides much better results. The implant can be placed in the
session of the tooth extraction. This way, the tooth socket is used for implanting the titanium
body, which shortens the healing period and eliminates the need to reoperate on the same area.
These days implant is a treatment that can be performed on almost any patient. With patients
with an inadequate bone volume, the volume can be increased with a careful treatment and care
period, making it possible to do the implant operation. There are many methods to increase the
bone and the teeth volume, and most can be quickly performed with local anesthesia. The
absence of a tooth is no longer a condition that people just have to accept.
We have a couple of treatment options for completely toothless people depending on their bone
volume and their preferences. For patients who want permanent prostheses, 6 implants per chin
would allow us to restore every tooth. For patients who are satisfied with using a removable
prosthesis but complain about the prosthesis not being stable enough, especially at the lower
chin, there is an option to prevent the prosthesis from moving by creating a lock-and-key
structure between the prosthesis and a small number of implants. This treatment allows patients
to talk and eat comfortably, which improves their life quality drastically. For patients who want
to use a permanent prosthesis but do not qualify for the bone graft process due to not having
sufficient bone volume at the molar regions due to the absence of teeth for years, there is an
option to use a prosthesis that is permanent for the patient but removable for the dentist. This
type of prosthesis cannot be removed by the patient but can be removed with a periodic dentist